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We have 5,700 members on our  Vanuatu Skills Database

Our Skills Database has been growing since 2014. It is aimed at skilled ni-Vanuatu and expatriates with specific Vanuatu experience.

It is a unique resource that allows us to target difficult recruitments. We advertise all our job vacancies through our Skills Database to ensure our members are aware of all opportunities. This ensures jobs are advertised as widely as possible.

To advertise though our Skills Database we offer the Advertising and Application Management package which gives you the benefit of your vacancy reaching our full network of potential candidates.


over 300 ni-Vanuatu with Bachelor Degrees

87 with a Masters degree 

3 ni-Vanuatu with PhDs

Our database has shown the growing deepth of local talent especially the increase in local higher university degrees in a wide range of subjects.


over 100 with accounting qualifications

We record members qualifications and details on their job titles, past employers and work experience.


We can keyword search over 4000 full resumes to locate specific skills. 


400+ with experience in development programs

In additional to employment  experience, we capture information on citzenship, residency and language fluency.


This allows us to match skills to specific job requirements.

Our Database consists of candidates with a broad range of tertiary qualifications and shows a growing depth of local talent across a wide range of subjects.

With more than 80% of our Database members being ni-Vanuatu citizens, we offer the best chance of finding the skills you need locally. We also have almost 1000 registered citizens from other Pacific nations who are keen to explore job opportunities in Vanuatu. 

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