Consultant - Combatting Sexual Harassment and Child Protection - Policy Review and Expansion

Applications closed.
Tender: Policy Review and Expansion – Combatting Sexual Harassment and Child Protection Consultant
● Assist “VCC - a leading agency for community development”
● Contract fixed number of days position open to Vanuatu citizens and residents
● Based in Port Vila
The Organisation
VCC is the umbrella organisation for Christianity in country and comprises of 7 mainstream churches plus a body representing the small ministries. VCC programs and staff of VCC reflect 10 key values: Love, Peace, Justice (gender, child protection, human rights), Harmony, Respect, Unity, Freedom, Christian principles, Inclusion, joy.
VCC is Act for Peace’s partner in Vanuatu, and the main implementer of the DFAT CAN DO Disaster READY Program in country. VCC is a registered charitable organisation and has been implementing Disaster Risk Reduction and a number of other development projects since 1998.
The Position
The overarching objective is to ensure VCC has robust, well understood Safeguarding and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment policies, systems and tools.
The primary output is to use a particip
atory training and review process to review and update the following documents:
• VCC Combatting Sexual Harassment Policy (2017 – 2019)
• VCC Child Protection Policy (2016 – 2020)
• VCC Code of Conduct
The secondary output is to train VCC staff and board members in the use of the policy, supporting tools and systems and how they relate to VCC work.
Further details can be found in the Terms of Reference.
Essential Selection Criteria
► Relevant qualifications
► Demonstrated experience in PSEAH, Safeguarding or Policy Development
► Demonstrated ability to consult with multiple stakeholders
► Thorough understanding of challenges and barriers to inclusion in Vanuatu
► Thorough understanding of project implementation challenges in Vanuatu
► A good understanding of development principles and practice
► Work experience in Vanuatu particularly in areas of facilitating strategic documents, capacity development
► Experience with churches as implementing partners
► Be willing to undertake a police background check for any country in which the applicant has lived for more than 12 months during the last five years and for each country of citizenship
How to Apply
Applications closed on Sun 01 August 2021
Proposals will be assessed according to the flowing criteria:
● Clear, credible, structured cover letter addressing selection criteria
● Profile, competencies and availability of the consultant
● Suitability of the financial proposal as per the methodology and program budget
● Ability to complete the reporting within the required timeframe
● Value for money.
It is expected shortlisted candidates will be contacted by the 10th August 2021.
VCC is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender.